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Mr Crawford Eng

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(based on 90 reviews)

I'm currently the head of English and raising standards leader at a secondary school in Birmingham. I'm passionate about my subject and passionate about ensuring that the young people we serve leave education with a high competency in English. Prior to teaching I worked in the radio industry as a presenter for 7 years and so when I became a teacher I enjoyed the opportunity to teach Media studies. You'll find hundreds of English and Media studies resources.




I'm currently the head of English and raising standards leader at a secondary school in Birmingham. I'm passionate about my subject and passionate about ensuring that the young people we serve leave education with a high competency in English. Prior to teaching I worked in the radio industry as a presenter for 7 years and so when I became a teacher I enjoyed the opportunity to teach Media studies. You'll find hundreds of English and Media studies resources.
AQA English Language paper 1 WTM (Walking talking mock) 2024 with student booklet and power point

AQA English Language paper 1 WTM (Walking talking mock) 2024 with student booklet and power point

A Walking talking mock that uses the AQA examiner feedback from the summer exams to guide students through a process of planning and then writing answers to English language paper 1. Power point (81 slides) and student work booklet included. This resource focuses on helping students to: plan their responses to the questions consider the order in which to answer the questions explore methods and their effect concisely improve responses through model answers consider ‘mood’ as a central concept in all of the tasks on the paper develop their imaginative writing Source material: Daphne De Maurier ‘Don’t look now’ Model answers included.
AQA Jekyll and Hyde 2024 Walking Talking Mock (WTM) with student booklet & teacher power point

AQA Jekyll and Hyde 2024 Walking Talking Mock (WTM) with student booklet & teacher power point

A Walking talking mock that uses the AQA examiner feedback from summer 2023 to guide students through a process of planning and then writing answers/essays in response to the Jekyll and Hyde question. Power point (40 slides) and student work booklet included. This resource focuses on helping students to: plan their response consider the text chronologically embed context rather than bolt it on at the end consider how themes can be context rather than just Historical events create thesis statements consider the text as a construct Exam questions used in this resource: sympathy for Jekyll# Model answers included.
AQA new specification English language exam revision WALKING TALKING MOCK STYLE   Two lots of paper 1 and paper 2 reading sections for use as  revision practice

AQA new specification English language exam revision WALKING TALKING MOCK STYLE Two lots of paper 1 and paper 2 reading sections for use as revision practice

6 Resources
TWO walking, talking, mock style sets of resources to support the revision and practice for new specification GCSE 9-1 language paper 1 and paper 2 reading section. Two sample AQA language papers are used to guide students through what to do. Included: - guidance on how to tackle each question - suggested timings - tips on how to tackle each question on each paper - acronyms to help make sure they tick all of the boxes on the mark scheme - sample answers to questions in order to model the structure - tips on what to do when they first open the papers
AQA power and conflict poetry Comparison bundle - new specification GCSE

AQA power and conflict poetry Comparison bundle - new specification GCSE

5 Resources
5 differentiated lessons to support students in comparing the AQA power and conflict poetry Includes sample answers and structural tips Comparisons: - Kamikaze and Poppies - Exposure and Storm on the island - Storm on the island and Extract from the prelude - Ozymandias and one other poem - The Emigree and one other poem Opportunities to: - compare poetry - explore and compare writer's methods and ideas - self and peer assess - integrate context - use the mark scheme
KS3 Comparing and writing news paper articles - Journalistic writing - non fiction - English Media

KS3 Comparing and writing news paper articles - Journalistic writing - non fiction - English Media

Differentiated resources to support the teaching of non fiction news paper articles. Opportunities to: - identify and explain the features of news paper articles and front pages - compare news paper articles and front pages - explore fact and opinion - read a variety of news paper articles and front pages on varying topics - create news paper articles and front pages for specific audiences - identify persuasive language - use persuasive language in own writing - use news paper articles on the same topic but from different publications to ensure pupil reading age is met (Telegraph, Metro etc.) - explore punctuation and clause use including FANBOYS - explore audience and purpose Articles included: - 3 articles from 3 different publications on raising the legal driving age - 2 articles from 2 different publications on the Drayton Manor boat death - a wide variety of front pages
AQA English language paper 2 Question 2 Fully differentiated lessons - synthesis & inference skills

AQA English language paper 2 Question 2 Fully differentiated lessons - synthesis & inference skills

2 fully differentiated and meticulously planned lessons to explicitly teach AQA English language paper 2 question 2. The lessons start from scratch and provide opportunities for teachers to assess student ability and work out where their areas for development are. Students can then be pointed in the direction of a particular task that will help to plug the gaps in their understanding and climb the mark scheme. Lesson 1 focusses on inference and making connections between texts. Lesson 2 focusses on the synthesis of texts - writing a summary of differences Texts used: 1. Mail online article about a spoilt child 2. 19th century extract from 'Walks in and around London' Differentiation: purple = lower blue = middle yellow = higher Resources provide opportunities to: - read 2 texts - synthesise - make connections - identify differences - make inferences - use the mark scheme - self and peer assess - work on target grade specific tasks
AQA power and conflict MyLastDuchess Checking out me history War photographer Storm on the island

AQA power and conflict MyLastDuchess Checking out me history War photographer Storm on the island

Power point resources to support the teaching of the following poems from the new specification AQA power and conflict poetry collection: 1. Storm on the island 2. War photographer 3. Extract from Prelude 4. My last Duchess 5. Checkin out me history 16 outstanding lessons that are meticulously planned, fully differentiated and numbered for ease of use with activities included. Homework tasks included. Download and teach right away! All resources are fully differentiated by colour. (Purple = low ability, blue = mid ability, yellow = higher ability) There are 2 to 3 power point presentations per poem which cover context, language, form and structure and contain assessment opportunities in line with new specification. Comparison lessons also included.
AQA English language GCSE 9-1 -3 lots of  Walking talking mock style revision lessons for paper 1 and paper 2

AQA English language GCSE 9-1 -3 lots of Walking talking mock style revision lessons for paper 1 and paper 2

6 Resources
Three lots of walking talking mock style exam revision for AQA English language paper 1 and paper 2 Perfect to use in class as a walking talking mock - whereby you guide students thorough each question and allow them the suggested time to complete each task. Using 3 different sample papers 1 and paper 2 papers, these resources: - guide students through how to tackle each question - provide suggested timings - provide sample answers - provide tips and strategies for planning a response - show the questions annotated to ensure students stick to the focus of the task - provide opportunities to self/peer assess against the mark scheme criteria - model to students how to annotate the questions The revision uses exam papers provided by AQA and use extracts from the following: Paper 1: - Glass, bricks and dust - City of beasts - Brighton Rock Paper 2: - Bad weather - Festivals - Villages
AQA English langauge paper 1 Revision 3 - Walking talking mock style lessons GCSE 9-1

AQA English langauge paper 1 Revision 3 - Walking talking mock style lessons GCSE 9-1

Lessons to support the revision of the new specification English language paper 1 for AQA. Perfect to use in class as a walking talking mock - whereby you guide students thorough each question and allow them the suggested time to complete each task. Using a sample paper provide by AQA which uses an extract from 'City of beasts' the resources: - guide students through how to tackle each question - provide suggested timings - provide sample answers - provide tips and strategies for planning a response - show the questions annotated to ensure students stick to the focus of the task - provide opportunities to self/peer assess against the mark scheme criteria Extract taken from: City of Beasts
AQA English language exam revision 3 - paper 2 WALKING TALKING MOCK style GCSE 9-1

AQA English language exam revision 3 - paper 2 WALKING TALKING MOCK style GCSE 9-1

Lessons to support the revision of the new specification English language paper 2 for AQA. Perfect to use in class as a walking talking mock - whereby you guide students thorough each question and allow them the suggested time to complete each task. Using a sample paper the resources: - guide students through how to tackle each question - provide suggested timings - provide sample answers - provide tips and strategies for planning a response - show the questions annotated to ensure students stick to the focus of the task - provide opportunities to self/peer assess against the mark scheme criteria - model to students how to annotate the questions These lessons use the sample paper that AQA provided on the theme of bad weather.
KS3 Poetry exploration - Sonnet, ballad, slang, dialect, performance, elegy, analysis - poetry forms

KS3 Poetry exploration - Sonnet, ballad, slang, dialect, performance, elegy, analysis - poetry forms

11 Resources
Fully differentiated resources to support the teaching of a wide variety of poetry forms for KS3. - Ballads - elegies - sonnets - slang and dialect poetry - performance poetry Resources provide opportunities for: - speaking and listening - peer and self assessment - language, form and structure analysis - context exploration Poems covered: - Half caste - Ballad of Hillsboorough - The chimney sweeoer - This is this six oclock news - Ballad of homeless jack - ballad of Frankie and Johnny - On my first sonne
A Christmas Carol Revision GCSE 9-1

A Christmas Carol Revision GCSE 9-1

3 Resources
Resources to support the revision of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Included: - 15 key quotations with accompanying images to help students learn quotations and remember useful quotes for analysis. Also great for displays. - Extract to whole revision - ideal for carousel use whereby students read an extract and go through the process of structuring a response to the question.
Simon Armitage Out of the blue and Terrorism speech by President Bush 9/11 attacks

Simon Armitage Out of the blue and Terrorism speech by President Bush 9/11 attacks

3 differentiated lessons tha explore: 1. Out of the blue by Simon Armitage 2. President Bush's speech to America following the 9/11 terror attacks Resources provide opportunities to: - develop a personal response to the poem - analyse language used in both texts - compare texts - explore the context of the 9/11 attacks on New York - compare the 2 perspectives of the writers Differentiation: purple = lower blue = middle yellow = higher
A Christmas Carol exam revision 9-1  extract to whole differentiated exam practice

A Christmas Carol exam revision 9-1 extract to whole differentiated exam practice

Resource to support the revision of A Christmas Carol and how to form exam responses to an extract from the novel and make links to the novel as a whole. Meticulously planned and differentiated. purple = lower ability blue = middle ability yellow = higher ability These resources provide opportunities for carousel activities whereby students read 4 extracts from the novel and make notes to form an exam response. Students will consider other parts of the text as part of their answer.
A Christmas Carol exam revision 2 - extract to whole - practice & structure a response

A Christmas Carol exam revision 2 - extract to whole - practice & structure a response

Resource to support the revision of A Christmas Carol and how to form exam responses to an extract from the novel and make links to the novel as a whole. These resources provide opportunities for carousel activities whereby students read 4 extracts from the novel and make notes to form an exam response. Students will consider other parts of the text as part of their answer. 4 extracts included
Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck chapter 3

Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck chapter 3

Differentiates lessons to support the teaching of chapter 3 of 'Of mice and Men.' Differentiation: purple == lower blue = middle yellow = higher Resources provide opportunities to: - explore tension - explore characterisation - write analytically in line with the new specification 9-1 skills - analyse language - explore the theme of loneliness - read actively